chipmax.com is hosted by a Yahoo server with the leading security
technology in the industry. Your order with chipmax.com is secure, which
means that your personal information and credit card number are encrypted with
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security. Since credit card and personal information
is only entered on the Order Form, only the Order Forms and
Shopping Basket are secure.
The secured pages will show a secured
URL ("https://") and a lock sign on your
browser. When you enter your credit card number into the Order Form, it is
transmitted across the Internet in an encrypted (scrambled) form, then decoded
when it gets to the server. For added security, we also encrypt the credit card
number when it is stored on disk, and when it is forwarded to us. Additionally, your credit card
information is not transmitted via e-mail, which is not encrypted. Our online
credit-card processing software does not allow more than one charge to the same
credit card number or for the same order number.
If you just don't feel
comfortable with placing credit card numbers through the Internet no matter
what, we would suggest to place orders online with "Credit via Phone" payment method and then
call us to give us your credit card number over the phone. We would then charge
your credit card manually. You'll receive a toll-free number to reach us once
you place your order.
Should you have any problem with your credit card
charge, you can always depend on our prompt attention and service to resolve the
problem. You may also dispute charges with your credit card company, which will
however result in a $25 charge for investigation purposes.
We respect our customer's privacy!
chipmax.com WILL NOT share ANY customer information or database with ANY other
company or identity.
itself does not use cookies to collect personal information from visitors
to our web site. What are cookies? A cookie is a bit of digital information that
some web sites send and store on your computer so they can remember who you are
on a subsequent visit.
chipmax.com does not allow any advertisers who
conduct data mining or profiling on our visitors through software techniques. We
want our customers and visitors to feel 100% safe and 100% private when surfing
our web site. [Privacy
Policy] [Shipping
rates & Return Policy]